The Call to Adopt: Christians and Adoption.

I’ve heard these phrases often:
“We always felt called to adopt.”
“We never felt compelled to have our own children, so we chose to adopt.”
“Adoption was laid on our hearts.”
“We prayed about it and decided we would adopt.”
“We prayed for this child.”
“Adoption was God’s plan for our family.” etc. etc. etc.

Each of these comments prompt me to ask this question: If you knew you were called to adopt your children, if this was your prayer, then is it remotely possible that you misunderstood what the Lord was saying? And if you misunderstood, then how is it so many are misunderstanding what He is trying to say?

I am asking.

I know so many women that have struggled with the pain of infertility, even so, is it possible that maybe, just maybe, the desire of your heart is louder than the voice of the Lord? See, I don’t believe we are entitled to everything we want in this life. I think sometimes God says “No.”

For anyone that has ever attended an evangelical church, you know that adoption is as common as coffee in the atrium. The evangelical church is the largest lobby group for adoption today. Adoption has become a popular choice by both the pastoral staff and members of their congregation. Dare I say “trendy”? But, let’s go back to Scripture. How was adoption cited in the Bible? Other than Mordecai and Esther (a kinship adoption) I’m unaware of any adoption. Moses was- sort of- adopted but his mother nursed him and helped raise him, and there was no happy ending there considering his estrangement from the Israelites and subsequent flight into the desert. If we look more closely at a few of the verses that might be interpreted as reason to adopt, we find that there is a huge discrepancy between the verses pertaining to spiritual adoption into the family of Christ and adoption as it’s known today.

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Psalm 68:5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

Psalm 82:3 Defend the weak and the fatherless, uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.

Matthew 18:5 Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.

Now, here’s the thing. I am trying to find the verse or verses that tell us to adopt another woman’s child and raise them as our own. I need to find it, but I can’t. If I found it, then I would understand why so many believe this to be something ‘the Lord has called them to do..’ I want to have grace for these decisions, including the decision I made 27 years ago. I was told this was God’s Will. I was told this (adoption) was the consequence for my sin. What I do see, over and over, however, is that we are to care for the orphans and widows. CARE FOR THEM. Do we see the difference? Imagine if the church made their ministry about keeping families together, rather than tearing them apart. Imagine if the tens of thousands of dollars paid to adopt a baby went to preserving a family instead? That IS the heart of Christ! Does He make mistakes? If he doesn’t then we must see that He had a plan when He allowed a pregnancy to occur. He had already chosen who He wanted to be the mother of that child. Was adoption a sin because we weren’t following the plan he had already put into place? Certainly a “calling” would have a clear scriptural reference.

(1 John 4) We are to search every spirit. We are to be like the Bereans searching scripture daily. This needs to apply to adoption as well. The church takes it as just so, but it never existed for 2,000 years until the last century.

Exodus 20:17 You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife or his male servant or his female servant, or his ox or his donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Coveting. This is a dangerous thing. And, if you profess to be a Christian then you strive to be like Christ. I have seen pages and pages of prospective adoptive parents requesting “prayers for the birthmother; that she will please make the right decision and give them their baby” (click here). The truth is, this isn’t their baby. It belongs to the mother that birthed the child and that’s where God intended this child to be. There’s no denying that they are praying that the “birthmother” will give them what they’ve longed and prayed for; what they believe is rightfully theirs. I’m trying very hard to understand why they feel this child belongs to them, via domestic adoption or international. Either one.

Matthew 6:2 When you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

Virtue signaling. It seems adoption has become more of an appearance thing and less of a God thing. It’s a heart issue, for sure. Adoptive parents stand out as virtuous, yet the scripture clearly states we aren’t to brag about our giving, yet, the child is the embodiment of their charity.

Does God definitively ordain the adoption of a poor and/or isolated women’s babies? Does God consecrate the paper orphan? If the answer is no, then the church is in a major crisis. If the answer is yes, then many of us are in a crisis of faith.

Proverbs 31:8-9 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless and see that they get justice.

As long as we have adoption I will continue to be a voice for the voiceless, the infants that never asked to be removed from their mothers, be it forcibly or by subtle coercion. They never asked to be adopted and I’m certain every single infant would choose to remain with their own mother.

Written with help and support from Velvet Bocephus.

Photo credit: Anne Heffron



43 thoughts on “The Call to Adopt: Christians and Adoption.

    1. I’m in! Let’s do this!
      How many, indeed! Let’s keep talking until they listen. Thank you for your insight and words to help me get this done. I couldn’t have done it without you! You have a gift.

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  1. I wholeheartedly agree that there must be a large movement to keeping families together. The future or orphan care must be preservation of the family. I am glad you have found your (dare I say…calling) to be a voice for families. Your post reminds me of the political discussion about how republicans may be pro birth but not really pro life as there is little support for the struggling mom and family after birth (didn’t mean to get political but it’s what came to mind).
    There is a group of the voiceless though that are not being spoken for in this post. That is the million plus children already in orphanages around the world. Heartbreakingly these kids do not have a chance of being reunited with their moms and families and need someone to give them a voice. There is a place for adoption…as carefully and ethically done as Earthly possible, but those kids waiting deserve a voice and a family.

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    1. One needs to realize that those portrayed as ‘orphans’ are many times not that at all. There is mass corruption in the international adoption industry, as has been documented in many places.

      So, yes, these ‘orphans’ you speak of do need a voice; a voice which empowers their mothers before trafficking and coercion take place and these babies, or children, are removed from their first families.

      Scripture certainly tells us to “care for the widow and orphan” but we are also to care for mothers, sisters, and daughters. Love them as our neighbor, which Christ instructed us to do. If we did that, we could stem the tidal flow into these orphanages by caring for and empowering mothers, which would enable them to keep their babies and maintain family cohesion, which is the ultimate goal.

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      1. I completely agree with your statement. What is your response to the children already waiting? That is my main question. You can work to stop to problem at its root but there are millions of children out there. I’m not talking the cute newborns. I’m talking older children with disabilities who need medical care. Is your answer to have them remain there? To care from them from a distance? I truly am asking.


  2. DR KATE WALLER-BARRATT one of the finest Christian Women America has ever known from West Virginia, this Godly woman had above the entrance to every home she had for unwed mothers….NEVER SEPERATE THE SACRED BOND OF MOTHER AND CHILD…..the world CRIES OUT TODAY for women of her calibre, for FAMILY PRESERVATION not FAMILY DISINTEGRATION this truly causes FAMILY DEVASTATION and DESTRUCTION. Churches should sponsor teen families, and work tirelessly to support in every way FAMILY PRESERVATION.

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  3. Excellent, thank you! The “adoption journey” set are never willing to understand that they are sinfully coveting the child of vulnerable parents, but instead convince themselves that in their case, covetousness is a-ok and “God put the baby in the wrong tummy” so they could swoop in like vultures at the mother’s childbed and make off with her child. I also had the experience as a teen mom of being told that God wanted me to surrender my child to atone for my sin of having sex outside of marriage, and the whole rot about “giving a gift” to a more deserving couple who “did everything right” (code for “didn’t have sex outside of marriage”). I didn’t surrender my child, and left the church for 20 years. The “God” that these types have created to justify their covetousness and victimizing is a cruel monster – imagine a “God” who loves some of His children more than others, and if you either break the rules or find yourself poor, “God” will use your body and break your heart to give your precious child to a more favored one of “His” children. This is not the loving God they claim to worship.

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  4. I am a Christian adoptive mother. I have 3 biological children and we adopted a 6-year-old little boy. He had been in an orphanage for 3 years and had no hope of being reunited with his family. The father left and signed over his parental rights at that time. The mother tried, but was an alcoholic and was on several prescription drugs for psychological disorders. They put her in rehab and she ran away. They gave her multiple chances over 2 years and tried to help her get her life straight, but alas, she chose alcohol. He has been in our home for a year now and is doing well, although there was quite an adjustment period for all of us. We are still working through things and trying to help him remember his mom and his country. I don’t want him to ever think that I’m trying to replace her. I write this to say that I believe there is a place for adoption if done correctly. I don’t believe that it is right to coerce someone to give up their baby just because you want it. However, there will be orphans because some parents are abusive, drug addicts, alcoholics, etc and aren’t able to parent. In those cases, the children need a stable environment to grow, learn, and be properly cared for. After the parents have been given chance after chance to get help, but choose not to, then and only then should adoption be an option.

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    1. “Orphans”. I think it’s important to recognize the difference between a true orphan (a child with no living parents or extended kin) and the orphans we hear are languishing in orphanages. These are the adoption stories where I receive the most push back. Adoptive parents truly believe they are saving a child, and while I understand that in many cases this might be true, so many fail to see the actual coercion and trafficking that is happening in international adoptions today. These countries are aware of it, which is why many have shut down inter country adoptions, particularly to the U.S. (Most recently Ethiopia)

      I think, more than the corruption attached, which has been documented and reported, I look at the trauma. No child is exempt from adoption trauma. This happens each and every time we remove a child from their mother and/or family(trauma #1). Then we add in removal from their attachments to those caring for them in the orphanage(trauma #2), removal from their country, their culture, familiar faces, their language and food, then place them in a home with complete strangers (trauma #3).. its a recipe for disaster. The attempted suicide rate for adoptees is FOUR TIMES greater than that of non adoptees ( and the majority of those studied were international adoptees. They are over represented(by up to 40%) in mental health facilities, drug treatment facilities, and jails. Then let’s add in the amount of money it costs to buy a baby, often upwards of $50-$60,000. Adoption is a money making, for profit, multi billion dollar industry and when we have that much money at stake per child adopted then you better believe corruption and trafficking is a valid and very real concern.

      The best way to understand adoption is to listen to the voices of those most affected. We must listen to adult adoptees that have lived it. Not the adopted parents. They didn’t lose a thing.

      To listen to the stories, go to

      Thank you for sharing your story and experience with me. I understand not everyone is either willing or able to parent, but we now see that this is most often due to lack of support and resources. Foster parenting is a need, with the goal being reunification with their family, not as a faster way to adopt a child. Imagine a world where preserving the family was first, adoption last.

      Sincerely, Stephanie

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    2. Heather, I am a half orphan. My mother died and my father was widowed with 5 children.

      Before I tell you my story, let me say that I occasionally write under the nickname of “halforphan56” but more recently chose to go with “legitimatebastard” because it is adoption law that governs what happens to the adoptee’s identity papers. The orphan and the bastard both are re-born to the adopting “parents” via the new, amended birth certificate. Laws were written to legitimize the bastard, but I did not need to be legitimize since I was born to married parents.

      You claim “your son” needed to be adopted. Not so. Other family members could have been helped to keep him within his extended family. That is called Kinship Care. But since you insisted upon removing him form his home country, you took him away from his culture and language as well. That is cruel.

      Legal guardianship within the home country and city would have been the next possible solution for this boy. But you chose to make him “your own” via adoption. You have ownership papers in the form of the adoption decree and his accurate medical record of live birth was revoked and sealed, and a replacement birth certificate was made indicating that you gave birth to him. How does it feel to be a Christian who lies?

      Nothing you say convinces me that adoption was best for this boy. There are other alternatives, but you assume it is adoption as the answer. Because you are not aware of other alternatives.

      Here is my situation. Again, an adoption was not necessary for me, a half orphan:

      James 1:27 “…. to look after the orphans and widows in their distress …”

      I never held it against my 31 year old father for making the hard decision to relinquish me into adoption less than one month after my 30 year old mother died. He was a devout Catholic and followed the advice of his parish priest.

      It is the PRIEST who I fault. He said to my father at my mother’s funeral, “The baby needs two parents.” Sure, if you look only at the constant care of an infant, but wouldn’t it have been so much more loving, so much more caring and helpful if the PRIEST had offered help in the form of suggesting that volunteers from the church come in and help to care for me and my older siblings? How about donations of food, clothes, diapers, money? My grandparents were sick. Other family members had babies of their own. My father was stretched to the limit. He gave away his 5th child because a PRIEST put the idea in his head.

      Oh, and, minutes after the priest spoke, a woman came up to my father and said, “I know someone who will take your baby.”

      Her brother became my adoptive father.

      Nice going, lady. Swoop down on a grieving husband and father. Take the baby off his hands, free up one more child that he didn’t need to feed so that you could pride yourself on procuring someone else’s baby for your brother. Nice going, Aunt Gertie, mighty Christian of you. May you rot in hell along with that priest.

      This is not to say I didn’t love my adoptive parents, this is to say that my adoption was arranged by Catholics who were anything but Christian. I remain, and always will be, a “good without god” atheist; how I became adopted is just one of many reasons that I am no longer “a believer.”

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      1. You (half Ophan) are a terrible person. How is it possible for you to be so “high and mighty” to call a mother “cruel” and a liar? This is just absolutely crazy. I understand wanting to keep families together but sometimes that isn’t an option and we are all human…you seem to overlook the fact that sometimes adoptions work out for the best.

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      2. Your story is a very difficult one and I am sorry your father, in many ways , was forced into his devision. So hard. This isn’t the case for a lot of adoptions. Every child’s story is so unique and specific, just like yours. Some have errors, others do not. I have an adopted son, with additional needs, I dread to think of his life if he’d been left, no foster care, no chance of reunification, and no hope of a family. We cannot taint all stories with the same brush. Just as we cannot try to understand God through fallen human beings who continually make mistakes. If any of us want to know God , we cannot do it through humankinds representation of Him!

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      3. Faithfraser: Thank you for understanding that my father was given no support to keep his family together. I am more than aware that my relinquishment and subsequent adoption is very different from most domestic America adoptions. Your statement “some have, errors, others do not” seems rather unclear to me. If you are addressing that some adoptions are happy and loving, with no apparent problems, again, I repeat: No adoption is free from errors! Once you examine the fact and truly understand that every single adoptee’s true birth certificate is revoked and sealed and a new one is issued that replaces the truth, then you will see that all adoptions “have errors”. To correct these errors, society must change the way we think about adoption. Those changes would include the total respect and dignity toward the infant and older child who is adopted to own her or his one and only true identity. The adoptee’s name and parents should not be changed. Ever. No new falsified birth certificate should be created and certified as true by the Vital Statistics Section of each state’s Health Department.

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    3. Heather – Stephanie is correct – an orphan is a child who has suffered the loss of both parents due to early death before the child reaches the age of adulthood. A half orphan is a child who has suffered the loss of one parent due to death. You are incorrect by using the term “orphan” in your sentence: “…there will be orphans because some parents are abusive, drug addicts, alcoholics, etc and aren’t able to parent.” A child who has parents who are unable to parent is most certainly NOT an orphan. Even when it is determined that the child must be raised in a safe home without contact from her parents, that is no reason to assume that child is an orphan, nor is it accurate to call that child an orphan.

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      1. Sorry I should have been more clear when I said errors- what I meant was some adoptions take place with no corruption, poor guidance etc… I hope that gets across what I mean. And I totally agree that there will always be hurt, baggage, issues and processing that comes with adoption. In a perfect world it wouldn’t exist. It’s never ever plain sailing. I personally agree that a child’s name that they have been given should remain with them and more respect and acknowledgement given to their origins. I see the most perfect display of adoption in the bible… considering that God says I have adopted you as sons and not slaves as the ceremony at that time for slavery and adoption was the same but with that one word changed, and how much of a difference that one word meant! That the son was of equal status to all the other birth children and would inherit the same amount. And that the adoption could never be revoked. Unfortunately, today in some cultures they don’t think of adoption in this way. There is definitely a long way we need to go on advocating rights for adoptees!

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  5. I love this piece very much, except for one point–belonging.

    The baby does not belong to anyone but themselves because people are not property. This is the problem with the whole adoption industry: babies are people and people are not property to be bought, sold, bartered, or traded. I have never belonged to my adoptive parents or my birthparents. I belong to myself. I may choose to give my heart to my spouse and/or my soul to God, but I belong to me.

    Our children are not our property; they are or responsibility. A good person of faith who spends $40-$60k to adopt a child would be doing a greater service to the child and to the Lord if they used that money to help a mother in distress meet her responsibility to her child, to help keep a family together.

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    1. I totally get what you mean – however a sense of belonging is huge to children. In no means does it relate to property or ownership but people long to belong…. hmm could have used a better descriptive word there!

      I completely agree that more needs to be done to support, equip and empower mothers to be able to look after their children- absolutely. But I believe that you make one dangerous assumption here… that all woman want to keep their children- unfortunately they do not.
      Another issue with the likes of foreign adoption is that there is a whole culture problem around adoption and unwanted children in certain countries -Around children conceived through rape, sexual relations outside of marriage and disabled children. It is not as simple as throwing money at the situations. Governments in these countries need to lead the way of changing incorrect thinking (& corruption) but while we wait for that to happen helpless children are are withering away in body, spirit and mind in orphanages… what’s meant to happen to them?


  6. As an adoptee from the baby scoop era I have always struggled with the concept that I was the most precious thing that had happened to one woman and the worst thing that had happened to another. I was one woman’s joy and a very young woman’s sorrow. I wrote a story about it and compared myself to a piece of silver being polished up, and how it wore away at part of me. It is a very complex emotion…this being adopted, I wouldn’t choose it or recommend it to anyone, it scars your soul even in the best of families and circumstances.

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  7. A lot that you wrote is sadly true. Adoption is more about how much attention you get off of doing it. Many people don’t understand that it isn’t about them it is about the child and what is best for the child. These “want to be parents” do not understand the precious life that they are responsible for take away from its original home.. it actually does hurt the person when they get older and wiser.. you get no explanation you get nothing. Literally all you have to run off of is faith and any possible hope you can find in yourself.. you feel like you never belong. However I will say I have also heard of many fully successful adoptions but these people went into adopting the way our God wants us to not how social media wants you to.. I hope you can explain to more people how serious it is and bring it to their attention that it doesn’t matter how Christian you look on your Facebook page, it matters if your feel in your heart that God want you to help.

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  8. Uh what about kids with dead parents. Who are they supposed to belong to. Also i find it funny how you sit here and try to fit pieces of new information into your cookie cutter ideology instead of adapting to new information with the understanding that god controls and knows all. And lastly why must you search endlessly for a verse to back up adoption. Who cares if there is one or not? The bible does not have everything in it and even if it did it is not literally the word of god. It is man made. No, the bible is not perfect because it is written by man. Go ahead and try to tell me it isnt but i guess i missed hearing about the time god manifested himself as a pen and wrote the bible. People who have a relationship with god know what god wants them to do and what he doesnt want them to do. Maybe its not for everyone but being orthodox myself and having a strong relationship with god i know that taking care of my son was the right thing to do.

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    1. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 New International Version (NIV)
      16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

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  9. Interesting blog post! you raise some great points in this post, and in your other posts. the church should be focusing on supporting struggling families, if the church is pro life then it has a responsibility to help mothers and families struggling – absolutely!
    Nevertheless, there are true orphans in this day and age – I’m in the UK and it’s very different to America. Most often children in the system here have been taken off their biological parents due to their own protection or the parents want nothing to do with their child. The professionals always try to reconcile the relationship but if they cannot these children are in dire need of being adopted. would you agree?

    also, we live in a fallen world, there is trafficking and corruption in some international adoptions – of course. but there are a lot of children in state/private orphanages dying through a lack of love and nourishment – regardless of how these children got there, if they are not adopted they will die there or age out and statistics show, a great percentage will go into a life of crime/prostitution or commit suicide. so should they not be adopted? should they be left to perish? an ongoing dialogue needs to continue within governments (whom are often corrupt) to change this. but i can’t help but wonder, when we question these genuine people who are willing to adopt – what would the other choice be for these children in african/russian etc… orphanages – because the corruption will continue, the mothers will not always be found and some are genuine Orphans. what is the other solution. the church working in American to equip mothers is of course an option. and Christians running children’s homes in foreign countries is another option, but do you think their is anything more powerful then belonging in a family, being loved, being a part of a nuclear family where you are seen, heard, loved and cherished?

    i personally see the narrative of adoption right throughout the bible. when you look into roman adoption and see the power of what God is saying when He tells us we are adopted by Him- that right there is proof that adoption in the bible means, taking another woman’s child, if she cannot or will not look after them herself.

    such an interesting conversation and so important to stretch our thoughts and look outside of our narrow perception – thank you for encouraging this!

    blessing xo

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  10. I’m glad to see this even as an agnostic person… Those who use the condescending “we were called by God to adopt” attitude and then start spouting off bible verses to justify it (particularly the one about caring for orphans) drive me nuts particularly because the blogs I see rarely acknowledge that the child comes with two biological parents… Whether dead or alive, adopting a child must acknowledge that this is a complex situation and that there is history we are not a part of as adoptive parents. I’m so glad to see that there is open and semi-open adoption now that allows for a relationship between both sets of parents rather than act like the child’s popped out of a vending machine. (That being said, it’s often those who have never experienced infertility who say “just adopt” or “just foster” as if those are the easiest processes in the world to go through, and as if those choices are perfect for everyone)

    As a side note, one of the hardest things for me is to see that people with children already are often scooping up children right and left while those like my husband and I who are unable to have children are deprioritized in the process. Some adoption agencies also discriminate against those who are not of the same religious background, and I’ve also found that the agencies that are hyper-religious are also the ones charging the most money. Ironic to put it mildly.

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  11. After a long battle with infertility, my husband and I decided to adopt. I never considered international adoption or private adoption because it was expensive and I never wanted a child to feel like he was purchased away from his parents. The local foster-care system is overcrowded with children in this country that need forever families after their biological parents have been proven to be unable to care for them.
    You’re absolutely right that most families could afford to care for their children if given a $40,000 hand-up in services, housing, and rehabilitation.
    I always wonder why many Christians that are lead to adopt aren’t led to adopt children from foster care here in the U.S. I’m an adoptive Christian parent and I don’t consider myself a saint because of it. I also don’t look down on others that adopt overseas or through private agencies here. I cannot judge someone else’s heart or calling. I know that Adoption is the way that God allowed me to build our family.

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  12. I see this is an old thread, but this last post is huge to me. I had one bio child, her father left us for drugs, I got married and he had two from his first marriage. We decided to adopt from foster care for many reasons, highest on the list being a foster child in the neighborhood whose father had died and whose mother’s parental rights were terminated asked us if we would. He was 12. It is not an easy process to be approved for adoption, but not costly. We wound up being licensed for foster care so he could move in with us more quickly. We decided we would like a little girl as well as we had the bed space and realized how intense the need was and how many children there were just in the metro Detroit area whose parents parental rights had been terminated, but they remained foster kids, no family of their own. We only wanted children whose parental rights were already terminated so that we did not have to deal with the trauma of back and forth between a birth home, etc. Little did we realize that kids that lingered were the ones that had the most problems. Most trauma, most behavioral and psychological issues. Our little girl came when she was 6, and she had huge issues, rages the likes of which I could never have imagined. But we prayed, and we believed that God brought her to us to love her along with all her problems because every child deserves love. About a year and a half later her little brother who was 4 and had been in an adoption placement was “returned” for extreme behavior issues. It was a no brainer to us, he was family to us through her, and we had room, and he was meant to be our son. He was placed in a different foster home and we had to fight for him, but we were looking at adoption, and placing him with his biological sister. We created a family for them where there was none. And pray? I have prayed like you cannot imagine. I have begged God for guidance in handling my children and there severe problems and issues. All three have been in and out of psyc hospitals. I love them. They are mine. Now I have my two granddaughters that I am raising as my adopted son and is wife have become heroin addicts and live homeless on the streets. We got their first full time on her first birthday, and their second when she was 6 weeks old. They cannot live legal lives. All the money in the world cannot straighten them out. They have to want it. So now, I am mom again. And no, there are no biological ties, but it just doesn’t matter. I love them, we are their family. They would be in foster care if not with us.

    As to the bible and adoption, I always look at Joseph raising Jesus as his own as the highest sign of approval of adoption that ever existed. Its not in what you write or what you say, its in your actions done through love that show God to others.

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